For over 20 years, the Sunshine Coast Foundation has been connecting individuals and families with the causes closest to their hearts, providing stable and sustainable financial support to charitable organizations from Port Mellon to Egmont. When you donate to a community foundation, you make long-lasting, local impact. Whether you give once or one-hundred times, you help shape the community for years to come. 

Find a cause that speaks to you and show the Coast you care!

If you have any questions please contact us at 604.741.7360 or by email

Barrie Wilbee Bursary for Sunshine Coast Entrepreneurs

To support post-secondary education or learning opportunities related to entrepreneurship, business creation and/or growth with an emphasis on community economic development.

Bate and Foley Family Endowment to End Homelessness

To help prevent homelessness among vulnerable populations.

Baxter Baile Marine Conservation and Education Endowment

Advances conservation and community education regarding the marine environment of the Sunshine Coast

Bev Shaw Literacy Fund

In honour of Bev Shaw, proceeds will be used to foster a culture of reading and literacy within the Sunshine Coast community.

Bill and Joan Humphries Endowment

To support capital projects carried out by the Town of Gibsons. Established 2018.

Bill Longman and Trudene Longman Endowment Fund

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation.

Blane & Henny Hagedorn Family Endowment

To create earnings that will be applied annually to a registered charity or registered charities in the field of health or wellness or both.

Canadian Federation of University Women-Sunshine Coast Bursary Fund

To support charitable activities and programs of the Canadian Federation of University Women Bursary Committee - Sunshine Coast. Established 2018.

CFC - Community Prosperity Fund

CFC - Community Services Recovery Fund

The Community Services Recovery Fund was built to respond to what charities and non-profits need right now and support them as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

CFC-Gender Equality Program Fund

The Fund supports local initiatives in over 20 communities across Canada. Hosted by local community foundations, the Fund builds on efforts to shift power to women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender-diverse people, and will work towards a future grounded in justice and gender equality.

Chad and Erika Price Family Endowment

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation.

Coast Recital Society Endowment Fund

To support charitable activities and programs of the Agency.

Coast-Wide Food Bank Fund

This fund supports the four food banks on the Coast and donations will be shared among them, unless you specify a specific food bank. Please include a note with your donaton or contact us at 604.741.7360 or if you wish to direct your gift to a specific food bank. Thank you for helping to feed our community!

Community Legacy Fund

Created in 2004, we refer to this fund as “The Heart of our Foundation.” The beauty of the Community Legacy fund is that it evolves with the ever-changing needs of our community and is a primary funding source for our annual grants programs that solely supports local charities. This fund allows us to provide grants to the widest possible range of initiatives, including poverty reduction, arts and culture, food security, housing, healthcare, education, seniors, climate and conservation, youth, support of marginalized groups, and so much more. A gift to this fund is a forever gift to the Sunshine Coast – the more it grows, the more distributions we can make to support those organizations making a tangible difference on the Coast. Donors can establish a named fund within our Community Legacy Fund portfolio to support the Foundation’s annual community grants program.

Crosby/Esson Family Endowment

To support certain charitable activities of the Foundation.

Daniel Kingsbury Music for Youth Endowment

To afford youth at risk on the Sunshine Coast the opportunity to take music lessons, create music, and record the music so created.

Dickey Family Endowment in Support of Sechelt Hospital Foundation

To support the activities of Sechelt Hospital Foundation Society - Sunshine Coast.

Doris Crowston Endowment Fund (SCAC)

To support activities and programs at the Gallery.

Ed and Gwen Hawkins Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast Endowment

This fund will be used to support the activities of Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast.

Elaine Sanders Scholarship for Nursing

Eleanor Thielke and David Cox Scholarship Fund

Endowment for Hungry Children

To support the "Breakfast for Kids" program within School District #46.

Environmental Legacy Fund

To make grants that: • protect and preserve the habitat and biodiversity of our fragile and unique Sunshine Coast ecosystems, • protect and improve the quality of our air, water, and soil, • encourage stewardship of private lands, water, and shorelines, and • educate the community about environmental and stewardship issues.

Errol Lipschitz and Judy Rother Fund for Food and Shelter

To support food and shelter programs and services on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.

Fiedler Family Endowment

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation. (2006)

Frank & Muriel Daly Sunshine Coast Endowment to support Youth in Sports (KidSport)

To support the involvement in sport of youth on the Sunshine Coast under the age of 18 who, due to financial barriers, may be unable to play sports.

Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival Endowment

To support certain charitable activities of the Foundation.

Gibsons Public Art Gallery Endowment Fund

To support the charitable programs and activities of the Agency.

Gibsons Seniors Fund

To support charitable programs related to the health and welfare of seniors in Gibsons BC

Glenda Mitchell Memorial Endowment in Support of Sunshine Coast Hospice

To support the provision of hospice programs and services on the Sunshine Coast.

Gwen Bennett Endowment

to support the activities of the Festival or, if the Festival ceases to be a registered charity, to support literacy and literary initiatives on the Sunshine Coast that engage children

Habitat for Humanity Endowment

The Fund will be used only to support the activities of Habitat for Humanity in support of affordable homeownership on the Sunshine Coast.

Halfmoon Bay Heritage Endowment

To support programs and activities that would help preserve, with some emphasis on the history of Halfmoon Bay, the heritage of the Sunshine Coast.

Harmony Hall Fund

The capital and income in the Fund may be used only for the maintenance of, repairs to, or capital improvements to Harmony Hall and the charitable programs of Gibsons Seniors Society, provided it becomes a qualified donee.

Hofmann Family Endowment

To support the participation of youth in sports or education for youth, particularly KidSport Sunshine Coast.

HSPP Employee Endowment

To support organizations providing health related services to Sunshine Coast residents.

Iris Loewen Endowment for Sechelt Public Library

To support the activities of the Sechelt Public Library.(2009)

Jack & Sheila Carlson Family Endowment

Earnings applied annually to the Sunshine Coast Hospice Society.

Jean & Arthur Clarke Endowment

To be paid to whatever charity the Foundation and donor advisors agree; if there is no advice from the donor or they cannot agree then the earnings are to be paid either to the Gibsons Parents and Tots program of the S C Community Services Society or to a program that promotes the ideas of fairness, inclusiveness, and fun in sport. (2005)

Jennifer Gray Memorial Endowment

This donor-advised fund will support charities offering programs and services in health and wellness or social development on the Sunshine Coast.

John & Janey Talbot Family Endowment

To support certain charitable activities of the Foundation.

John & Maria Manley Memorial

John Vance Legacy Fund

To support the arts within the Sunshine Coast Regional District.

Joop & Jesse Burgerjon Endowment for Sargeant Bay Society

To support the activities of the Sargeant Bay Society.

Kay Chapman Memorial Fund

The Fund will be used to support (1) arts and culture and/or (2) health and wellness on the Sunshine Coast.

Ken Moore Marine Rescue

Earnings to be applied annually to the maintenance of the rescue vessel Ken Moore.

Larry Ennis Scholarship in Woodworking

The Fund will be used to provide a scholarship or scholarships to one or more students graduating from a high school in Sunshine Coast School District #46 to support their education or apprenticeship in the fields of carpentry or fine art woodworking.

Lynn Pakulak Endowment

Earnings applied annually to the Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts.

Marie Steel Memorial Endowment

Earnings applied annually to the Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts.

Marine Rescue Agency Fund

To support the activities and programs of the three Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue stations serving the Sunshine Coast: RCMSAR 14 – Gibsons, RCMSAR 61 – Pender Harbour, and RCMSAR 12 – Halfmoon Bay.

Mary And Cecil Gordon / James And Phyllis Parker Family Fund for Seniors

Support the charitable activities of SCF, in particular programs aimed to older adults in the community to increase their ability to live independently and stay connected with communities.

Mary and Cecil Gordon / James and Phyllis Parker Family Scholarship Fund for Nursing and Care

Support the charitable activities of SCF, in particular provide a scholarship in the areas of practical nursing, nursing care aids, personal support worker or related program. High school graduate or mature student who resides on lower SC

McFarland Family Endowment

To be used for the Foundation's general charitable purposes.

Michael and Eileen Poppel Endowment Fund

Earnings from the Michael and Eileen Poppel Endowment support the Foundation's annual grantmaking to local charities

Moyna Krusell Memorial Endowment Fund

Support the activities of the Agency (FOWA)

Nelson Family Endowment

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation.

Nicholls Family Endowment

To support the needs of vulnerable women and girls on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia

Patrina Thomson Memorial for Music and Dance

To provide scholarships, bursaries or student awards to Sunshine Coast individuals pursuing post-secondary education in the fields of music and/or dance and who demonstrate exceptional talent and passion for their craft.

Pender Harbour & District Health Centre Endowment

To support the activities of the Pender Harbour & District Health Centre.

R. Clayton Family Endowment

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation.

Robert Allen Memorial Endowment

Each year the Foundation will grant from this fund to support the work of the Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue Association.

Robert Johnston Family Endowment

To support charitable activities on the Sunshine Coast.

Robertson/McDonald Family Education Endowment

To support post secondary school education and work experience for youth from the Sunshine Coast.

Robertson/McDonald Marine Conservation and Education Fund

Earnings applied annually to the Nicholas Sonntag Marine Education Centre.

Rotary Club of Gibsons Endowment

To support charitable activities on the Sunshine Coast. (2011)

SC Botanical Garden Society

To support the activities of the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Society.

SCF Barron Operating Endowment

Schell Family Endowment, for the benefit of the Festival of the Written Arts

Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre Endowment Fund

to support the activities of the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre

Smith Family Fund for Vulnerable Communities

To benefit the charitable activities and programs of Sunshine Coast Community Services Society that support vulnerable communities on the Sunshine Coast.

Stewart Family Endowment

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation.

Sue Milne Memorial Choral Fund

to support the development and presentation of choral music on the Sunshine Coast. Established 2018.

Sunshine Coast Arts Council Endowment in Honour of Anne & Philip Klein

To fund its Anne & Philip Klein award.

Sunshine Coast Arts Council Endowment in Honour of Frances Wasserlein

to be used to support the charitable activities and programs of the Sunshine Coast Arts Council. Established 2018.

Sunshine Coast Arts Council Endowment in Honour of Gillian Lowndes

To fund its Gillian Lowndes Award.

Sunshine Coast Arts Council Music Award in Honour of Louise Baril

To fund its Louise Baril Memorial Music Award.

Sunshine Coast Charities Temporary Fund

To receive gifts and make grants to local charities.

Sunshine Coast Community Services Society Agency Endowment

To support the activities and programs of the Sunshine Coast Community Services Society.

Sunshine Coast Credit Union Endowment

To carry out the charitable objectives of the Foundation and the SCCU

Sunshine Coast Endowment for Visual Arts

To support graduating high school students pursuing studies in the visual arts.

Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts Legacy of Literacy Fund

To support the activities of the Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts.

Sunshine Coast Foundation Operations Fund

Donations to this fund support the ongoing operations of the Foundation.

Sunshine Coast Hospice Society Endowment

To support the activities of the Sunshine Coast Hospice Society.

Sunshine Coast TELUS Community Ambassadors Endowment

to be used to support the charitable activities and programs of the Foundation, and in particular the Foundation's discretionary grant-making. Established 2018

Sunshine Coast Youth Sports Endowment

To nurture the potential of children, teens, and young adults through sporting programs that focus on inclusion, participation, volunteerism, leadership, and philanthropy. (2017)

Terry Kvam Fund for Animal Welfare

To support organizations, projects, and initiatives dedicated to improving the welfare and wellbeing of animals on the Sunshine Coast.

Terry & Sandy McBride Family Endowment

To support the charitable activities of the Foundation.

The Patricia Gray Fund for Animal Welfare

To support animal welfare on the Sunshine Coast; annually a grant will be made to the SPCA Sunshine Coast branch.

The Women in STEM Bursary Fund

To provide a bursary or bursaries to School District #46 to award to one or more female students graduating from Elphinstone Secondary School to support their post-secondary education or apprenticeship in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).

Town of Gibsons Capital Fund

Grants from this fund support capital projects in the Town of Gibsons, such as the Gibsons Public Market.

Vital Signs

Gifts to this fund will contribute to the Foundation's ongoing Vital Signs program, including research, reports, and community conversations.

YMCA Camp Elphinstone Youth Development Fund

Support the charitable purposes of the YMCA BC,specifically at YMCA Camp Elphinstone

Youth Legacy Fund

Zoe and Gaetan Royer Fund for Accessible Housing

The fund will be used to support accessible housing programs and services on the Sunshine Coast.